Fushigi Yuugi Wiki

Shugyoku Den (朱玉伝 "The Legend Of The Red Jewel") covers Tamahome's childhood in Hakukou and his life before joining the Suzaku Seven. It also shows how his life has paralleled Miaka's, even before they meet. The light novel draws similarities between events in their lives to show how their fates are inexplicitly intertwined.



Tamahome's backstory in Hakukou is expanded on through his childhood friends: Fuka and Yuma, who are the forcedly adopted children of his neighbors. Tamahome and Yuma share an ongoing rivalry with each other, while the latter harbors feelings for Fuka, who is only interested in shaping Tamahome up for his destiny as a Celestial Warrior of Suzaku.

When the trio head off to find work in Eiyou, they are able to raise enough money to support themselves, although Tamahome and Yuma quickly turn work into a competition. In the process, they encounter Mimadou, a Kutou sorcerer who is killing young girls in the city. The sorcerer sets his sights on Tamahome and cuts a deal with Tamahome's newest employer to ensnare him.

In the background of these events, there is a legend of a jewel which, when gifted to someone, indicates eternal love. However, the owner of the jewel, Tamahome, struggles with his romantic side.


  • Chapter 1: The Demon Child
  • Chapter 2: The Legend of "Shugyoku", the Red Jewel
  • Chapter 3: The Grand Opening of the "We Do It All" Shop
  • Chapter 4: The Wanted Mimadoh
  • Chapter 5: The Bankrupt Merchant
  • Chapter 6: The Plan to Convert Delinquents
  • Chapter 7: The Replaced Kidnap Victim
  • Chapter 8: The Priestess Appears
  • Chapter 9: The Red Light
  • Chapter 10: The Time Has Fulfilled




Light Novels
Shugyoku Den | Suzaku Hi Den | Yukiyasha Den | Shouryuu Den | Genrou Den | Yuuai Den | Oumei Den | Seiran Den | Ryuusei Den | Sanbou Den